Door Hanger


With summertime fast approaching, grass, weeds, and overgrowth have the potential to become a problem in the community. According to an ordinance put into place last summer, weeds and grass that grow into the sidewalks, curbs, and streets of Aston is not allowed. This ordinance was put in place for the town’s appearance as well as to keep the health risks that high grass carries, such as mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus. As Paula Turnbach, Code Enforcement Officer, states, “When the overgrowth is taken care of it goes a long way in making the streets, and the community as a whole look a lot better and well maintained.” Not following this ordinance could lead to the Aston Code Enforcement Department stepping  in. If the grass of a resident starts growing into the sidewalks and streets, Aston Code Enforcement will be leaving a door hanger with a forty-eight hour notice to take care of the overgrowth and get in touch with the Aston Township Office. Maintaining weeds and grass in the streets make the Aston Township look very impressive and well-kept, as well as going a long way in keeping the Aston Code Enforcement Department away.