Rain, Snow Sleet or Shine, Aston’s dedicated sanitation team and environmentally conscientious citizens are making a difference in the environment and to Aston’s bottom line.

Aston Township’s Weekly Single Stream Recycling Program is paying dividends for Township residents. While the amount of trash that has been collected and disposed at the landfill has declined, the amount of material recycled by residents has increased. During the past two years, Township residents have recycled more than 500 tons of trash. Since the weekly Recycling Program began in 2011, Township residents have recycled more than 500 tons of trash!

Residents have increased recycling efforts, the steady decline in the amount of trash collected clearly illustrates the impact that once a week, single stream recycling is having.

What does this mean for residents?

Aside from protecting the environment, the Recycling Program has had economic benefits for residents.

Material that is recycled is sold at market prices. Unfortunately, revenues from the sale have been declining during the last two years.