road-work-ahead-webThank you for being a concerned citizen! Help us help you by reporting a roadway maintenance request using the form below.

The Aston Township Public Works Department is committed to providing a timely response to your request. Our goal is to remedy the situation within 24 to 48 hours then follow up with an email when the repair has been completed.

Please note that following certain weather events and extended periods of extreme temperature, reporting volume is likely to be very high.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Pothole Patrol

Pothole Patrol! Report a pothole.
Please complete the form below and enter as much detail as possible, especially for the location.

Just a reminder- PennDot is responsible for state roads including Aston Mills Road, Birney Highway, Bodley Road, Bridgewater Road, Concord Road, Dutton Mill Road, Knowlton Road, Lenni Road and Pennell Road.

For issues with state roads, you can contact PennDot at 610-566-0972. Residents can also call Russ Palmore, Road Foreman at 610-494-8005 to report a pothole or streetlight issue. For potholes, be sure to mention the street address.

Do not use this form to report a traffic emergency.
To report a traffic emergency dial 9-1-1

Roadway Maintenance Request

Please provide the nearest street address if available. Example: 123 Lampost Lane or simply Lampost Lane
If necessary, include things like how long it has existed or additional information to help us locate the issue like the nearest cross street.