Register for this FREE event by CRC Watersheds Association. Sunday, February 28, 2016 – 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, Tomezsko Building Auditorium, Penn State-Brandywine , 25 Yearsley Mill Road
Media, PA 19063.
2016 Winter Lecture – Backyard Solutions for Healthy Streams, Lessons from Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters Program
Register for this FREE event by following this link and providing your contact information. You will receive an email message in the event of a postponement due to inclement weather.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Tomezsko Building Auditorium
Penn State-Brandywine
25 Yearsley Mill Road
Media, PA 19063
(Click for Directions or a Campus Map)
The Chester Ridley Crum Watersheds Association (CRC) and Penn State University-Brandywine invite area residents to join them on Sunday, February 28, for “Backyard Solutions for Healthy Streams: Lessons from Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters Program.” The talk begins at 2:00 pm at Penn State-Brandywine’s Tomezsko Building auditorium and features Maggie Dunn of the Philadelphia Water Department. The program is free and open to the public and advance registration is recommended due to limited space.
“Backyard Solutions for Healthy Streams” will highlight the innovative approaches being used in the City of Philadelphia on residential properties to reduce polluted runoff and improve water quality in streams. CRC’s Executive Director, Brian Byrnes, notes that “Green City, Clean Waters is showing that even owners of small residential lots can take meaningful steps to improve the water quality in their local streams. We are thrilled to give residents in Delaware and Chester Counties an opportunity to see what is working in the city and gather ideas on how they can contribute in their communities.”
Attendees may register online through CRC’s website at, or by contacting the CRC office at 610-359-1440 or to reserve a spot.
Chester – Ridley – Crum Watersheds Association (CRC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to the protection of water resources and the natural environment of the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creek Valleys, and the health, recreational, and quality of life benefits they afford the residents of this region. Its stewardship area encompasses 132 square miles and 40 municipalities in Chester and Delaware Counties.
CRC’s programs are supported by the contributions of 500 individual, municipal, business, and institutional/nonprofit members. More information on CRC is available at
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For more information, please contact Brian Byrnes at 610-359-1440 or
Learn from examples in Philadelphia how what you do in your backyard can improve your local streams.
The presentation will cover:
- Green City, Clean Waters – Philadelphia’s innovative urban stormwater management plan
- How stormwater management in Philadelphia has relevance for its suburban neighbors
- A detailed look at tools you can use at home including rain gardens, rain barrels, downspout planters, permeable paving and more.
Featured speaker: Maggie Dunn, Philadelphia Water Department
Maggie Dunn is an outreach specialist at the Trans-Pacific Engineering Corporation where she supports the Public Affairs Division of the Philadelphia Water Department. Maggie has a BA in Biology from Goucher College and a Masters in City Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. She assists in managing the Water Department’s “Rain Check Program,” which provides financial incentives for Philadelphia residents to install landscaping that manages stormwater. In addition, she coordinates public outreach efforts for green stormwater infrastructure projects throughout Philadelphia.