Aston Commissioner Carol Graham presented certificates of recognition to ATFD Chief Michael Evans, ATFD EMT Tony Cirino, CKHS Chief Paramedic Robert Reeder, ATFD EMT John Gibson Jr., ATFD EMS Captain Bruce Egan, and Aston Police Chief Dan Ruggieri. Photo by Loretta Rodgers
The Aston Board of Commissioners, September 16, presented certificates of recognition to representatives of the Aston Township Fire Department (ATFD), Aston Township Police Department, Chester Heights Fire Department (CHFD), and Crozer-Keystone Health Medic -A and 100.
Commissioner Carol Graham, who serves as liaison to the township emergency services, said, on July 29, first responders answered a call for a medical emergency at an industrial complex at 8 Crozerville Road. The call was upgraded to a victim in cardiac arrest.
Aston Township Police arrived first at the scene and continued CPR, which had been started.
Aston Township Fire Department EMS was at the scene within eight minutes and dispatched a life saving shock with a newly purchased Heart Sine AED.
The patient was shocked out of a lethal heart rhythm and sudden cardiac arrest.
Mutual aid was offered by the Chester Heights Fire Company and advanced life support from Media 100-A and 100 from the Crozer-Keystone Health System.
Luckily, the patient survived and was transported to Riddle Memorial Hospital.