In-person assistance for the Delco ERA program  is available on
Saturday, May 8 (and also May 15 and 22)
from 9am-4pm in Upper Darby.

Do you or someone you love need help with rent or utility bills due to the financial impact of COVID-19? There is help!

Delaware County launched the Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance (DELCO ERA) Grant Program in March and there is still money left. The program assists renters who have suffered disruption and loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over $37 million is available to residents to assist with past due rent and an outstanding utility bill.

In-person assistance is available on Saturday, May 8 (and also May 15 and 22) from 9am-4pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call or email for an appointment: 484-729-4200 or


Click below for more details & online application: