Questions arose at the November 19th commissioners meeting with respect to the proposed amendment to the lease with American Tower for the cell tower located on Gamble This tower is one of the two (2) cell towers that are located on Township property. The second tower is at the municipal building property located on Pennell Road.
Aston receives monthly rentals for each cell tower.
The proposed lease amendment will restructure the lease with a forty-nine (49) year term. In exchange for this longer term, Aston Township will receive a lump sum payment.
The Board of Commissioners have stated that this payment will be used to match future grant applications. There is the potential that the proceeds that Aston receives from the restructured lease will bring in more than four (4) million dollars in local grants for infrastructure improvements to Aston’s streets, parks and storm water management facilities. These improvements will be at no cost to Aston residents, assuming approval of the grants.
The Board of Commissioners has directed the administration to reduce expenses to match the potential reduction in annual income resulting from the restructured lease.
The Board of Commissioners has decided that it is in the best interests of Aston to restructure this lease agreement and to retain the monthly payments from the second cell tower lease, at the Municipal Building.