Aston Township has made application for a Greenways, Trails, and Recreational Program (GTRP) Grant through the Commonwealth Financing Authority for restoration of Valley View Park. Valley View Park (aka Vinsmith Park) located in the Township’s Seventh Ward comprises 3.024 acres of open space land, most of which is grassy areas. The park is completely surrounded by predominantly ranch homes on Vinsmith, Edgar and Raymond Avenues, and Stella Lane, with the main entrance at Vinsmith and Bonsall Avenues.
The Valley View Park Playground Committee was formed in the spring of 2014 to address concerns raised by local residents that the existing recreation equipment was unsafe and unusable due to vandalism and deterioration. The primary focus of the committee was to make recommendations for restoration of the park, including new playground equipment and other recreational needs. The committee also wanted to address community concerns for providing a playground that will sustain long-term functionality, and at the same time, remain a safe venue for all our residents, children and adults alike.
Renovation of the park is contingent upon receiving the GTRP Grant and would include the following renovations:
Freestanding Events – These components add fun and excitement in the playground, while at the same time, improve cognitive skills, challenge agility and inspire interactive play experiences.
Surface Material – A rubber bond safety surfacing material has been recommended by the committee. This surface material requires very little maintenance, and at the same time, provides safety for the children using the equipment while meeting the critical fall height of the recreation components.
Walking Trail – A walking trail for use by all age groups, but primarily for adult recreation will be constructed. The proposed trail will run along the perimeter of the park, at a distance of approximately 1,000 feet (333 yards), being approximately 7 feet wide and constructed of asphalt or macadam material.
Sledding Venue – The hilly area along the northern and western end of the park will continue to be used as a sledding venue. However, we are considering the addition of large rocks and shrubs to create a landscaped view for walkers while creating a sledding venue that contains an irregular line for sledding, thus a challenge for sledding participants.
Baseball Field – Renovations will include repainting of the backstop and sideline fencing, as well as, cutting out the home plate area, base lines and building up the pitcher’s mound.
Basketball Court – The playing surface will be relined and remarked.
Signage – Proposed signage includes welcome signs at the entrances, eye level park regulations, destruction warnings and other appropriate signage.
Proposed Playground Equipment Upgrades
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Grasshopper Ridge Play System (Ages 2-5)
This equipment creates a safe fun play environment using favorites and traditional events such as slides and climbs, combining music, fitness and play activities into a fun play system.
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Sky Runner
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Swing Sets
While creating a fun experience, swings contribute to the development of movement and perceptual skills.
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Tots 4-Way Crawl Tube
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Winter Haven Custom Design Play System (Ages 5-12)
This equipment features a wide variety of overhead events, helping children to develop upper body strength, agility and confidence, while having fun.
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Other furnishings – These include park benches, picnic tables, bike racks and adequate trash receptacles.
The estimated cost for the park renovations is $225,000, with the GTRP grand funding 85% or $191,250, and the Aston Township 15% or $33,750. Images of the park, recreation equipment and the proposed walking trail follow this summary.
It is import that the Township maximize effective use of existing recreational land and facilities in order to preserve and enhance the livability of the community. Investing in new recreation systems for Valley View Park is an investment in the future of the Township.
The replacement of defective playground equipment and upgrading the recreational aspects of Valley View Playground and Park, including the addition of adult recreation, will provide a recreational venue for residents of all ages. Completion of this restoration project will improve and sustain quality of life values for the residents the Township well into the foreseeable future.
The recommendations made by the Valley View Park Playground Committee, while significant in cost, will move valley view Park and Aston Township closer to achieving the Goal stated in the 2005 Comprehensive Plan: To provide and maintain parks and recreational facilities to meet the needs of the area’s residents, provide programs for all ages and preserved and maintain natural open space areas. Additionally, the renovations will serve as a model for improving Township recreational facilities in the future.