NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, The Aston Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet Tuesday, September 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Aston Township Offices at 2 New Road Suite 123, Aston PA to consider the following petition:

A petition will be heard from Maria Johannes, Executive Director of Operation for United Medical Adult Day Care, Dr. Leemu Kerkula proposed tenant in Valley View Shopping Center located at 4800 Pennell Road, Aston, PA, for special exception for Adult Day Care. Property is located in a Shopping Center District with Mixed Use Western Overlay.  Special exception from the Aston Township Zoning Code is request by Applicant from Section 1274.03 Uses Permitted by Special Exception (h) Adult Day care center.

These petitions will be heard along with any other issues that pertain to these matters.

At this meeting interested parties may appear and be heard for or against the granting of these petitions.