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Concord Rd. Traffic Signal Interconnect Project Update


The Concord Road Traffic Signal Interconnect project is nearing completion of the construction stage and will soon be moving into the observation and optimization stage.  Currently, fiber optic communication cable has been installed along Concord Road from 5-points to Bridgewater Road.  The contractor will be installing the final controller equipment and establishing communication between the intersections in the coming weeks. Once the system is up and running, the Township Engineer will monitor and adjust the signal timings and coordination settings.  This will involve field observation of traffic conditions during each peak time period.  During the observation period, the Engineer will adjust [...]

Concord Rd. Traffic Signal Interconnect Project Update2024-02-21T08:28:36-05:00

Final 2024 Operating Budget


At the December 20, 2023 the final 2024 budget was presented to the public by Commissioner John Dougherty.  The budget will be voted on at the Aston Township End of the Year Special Board of Commissioners Meeting scheduled for December 29, 2023 at 3 p.m.  This meeting will be held at 2 New Road., Suite 123.  Aston, Pa 19014. To view the 2024 Budget Presentation click here. To view the 2024 Operating Budget click here.

Final 2024 Operating Budget2024-01-18T14:46:02-05:00

2023 Holiday Decorating Contest Winners


The Aston Township Parks and Recreation Committee has announced the 2023 Holiday Decorating Contest winners, they are listed below and your Commissioner will be delivering your prize! The residents have gone above and beyond this year and you have all done an amazing job, picking winners was not an easy task for our judges!  Congratulations to our winners, we are already looking forward to next years contest! 1st Ward 1st Place: 644 Convent Rd. 2nd Place: 9 Dogwood Ln. 2nd Ward 1st Place: 125 Kildare Ln. 2nd Place: 102 McLaughlin Dr. 3rd Ward 1st Place: 54 Jennifer Ln. 2nd Place: 2265 [...]

2023 Holiday Decorating Contest Winners2024-01-03T10:25:25-05:00

PennDOT Traffic Counters


PennDOT has informed Aston Township that starting in December 2023 through April 2024 they will contract with Traffic Data, Inc., which is a vendor of the Department of Transportation's Highway Safety and Traffic Operations Division, to collect traffic data on municipally owned roads within Delaware County.  The data collected will be utilized by the Department to complete a statewide network screening and prioritize locations for potential safety improvements.  The traffic counters will be set in Aston and are not being set for any road project or speed trap. If there are any questions regarding this study, please contact Ben Brubaker from [...]

PennDOT Traffic Counters2023-12-14T13:42:41-05:00

Red Hill Road. 45 Acres of Land Acquisiton


We are happy to report that Aston Township made settlement on Thursday, November 30, 2023 on 45 acres of open space located at Red Hill Rd. Some may remember my presentation at the September 2022 Board of Commissioners meeting where I provided the details of this purchase.  A link to that presentation is provided below. At the time we reported that 43 acres were to be purchased. An updated survey showed that the parcel in question is actually 45 acres. The property is located between Red Hill Road and Convent Road. The Township will have a formal ribbon cutting in the [...]

Red Hill Road. 45 Acres of Land Acquisiton2024-02-21T08:28:00-05:00

Past 2nd Ward Commissioner Carol Graham Dedication Ceremony- POSTPONED!


Due to unforeseen circumstances the tree dedication ceremony is being postponed to a later date yet to be determined. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. The Aston Township Board of Commissioners and Graham family would like to invite the public to attend a tree dedication ceremony in honor and remembrance of past 2nd Ward Commissioner Carol Graham. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday November 22, 2023, at 1:30pm on the corner of Birney Highway and Mount Road. which is also the former location of the Lister Property and across from the Moose Lodge (796 Mount Road. [...]

Past 2nd Ward Commissioner Carol Graham Dedication Ceremony- POSTPONED!2023-11-22T08:50:45-05:00

New Administration & Police Building Presentation


The Aston Township Board of Commissioners, Management and Professionals would like to thank all of the residents that were in attendance for the public meeting in regard to the new administration and police building.  We appreciate all of the questions and input that had been given/asked, as promised the slide deck for those in attendance as well as those unable to attend can be viewed here.

New Administration & Police Building Presentation2023-11-17T10:34:48-05:00

Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR) & Overview Camera Presentation


At the Aston Township Board of Commissioners meeting on July 19, 2023, Commissioner John Dougherty presented a slide show explaining and outlining how the Automatic License Plate Readers and Overview Camera Program work throughout the Township. The presentation shown can be seen here.

Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR) & Overview Camera Presentation2023-09-08T09:17:48-04:00

West Branch of the Chester Creek Trail Feasibility Study – Meeting Slideshow


On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, a public meeting was held to discuss the West Branch of the Chester Creek Trail Feasibility Study.  During the meeting the Township Engineer presented a story map outlining the Trail Feasibility, that story map may be viewed here for those that are interested or were unable to attend the meeting.  Please note: you will be prompted to sign in, there is no need to do so just hit cancel to continue.

West Branch of the Chester Creek Trail Feasibility Study – Meeting Slideshow2023-08-07T16:11:22-04:00
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